Music Theory and Analysis: Temporality in Music
The Eleventh International Conference of the Department of Music Theory
6-8 November 2015
Danielle Cohen-Levinas, University Paris IV Sorbonne
Michel Imberty, Professeur émérite à l’Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Friday, 6 November 2015
Keynote Lecture
Danielle Cohen-Levinas, University Paris IV Sorbonne
Composer dans la forme du temps: les opéras de Wagner / Composing in the Form of Time: Wagner’s Operas
Lekkas Markos: Tracking the Footprints of Structural Moments
William da Silva: Kairos, Time and Form
Ana Stefanović: Temporality and Narrativity in Music Drama
Marija Masnikosa: Specific Narrativity and Temporality in Early Minimalist Music. The Case of Riley’s In C
Benedict Taylor: Theorising Temporality in Beethoven’s Late Piano Sonatas, Opp.109–111
Ivana Miladinović Prica: The Shape of Time in Morton Feldman’s Music
Mina Božanić: Some Remarks on Temporality (and Its Relation to Spatiality) in 20thCentury Music
Atila Sabo: Interaction of Temporality and Spatiality and Its Influence on the Narrative Flow in the Third Movement of Shostakovich's Fifteenth String Quartet
Saturday, 7 November 2015
Keynote Lecture
Michel Imberty, Professeur émérite à l’Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Le temps musical entre narrativité, expressivité et dramaticité / Musical Time between Narrativity, Expressiveness and Dramaticity
Ivana Vuksanović: The Concept of Parody in the Works of Serbian Composer Dušan Kostić
Jelena Jelenković: Reconfiguration of the Pastoral Topic Reference in the Works of Rebikov, Szymanowski and Stravinsky
Stephen Husarik: Rhythmic Dissonance Resolved: Surrender of Ornamentation to the Countersubjects in the Finale of Beethoven’s Grosse Fuge, Opus 133
Predrag Repanić: New Aspects of Polyphonic Analysis as Applied to Bach’s Fugue in D Major from the Well-Tempered Clavier
Ieva Rozenbaha: Canon in Sacred Vocal-Instrumental Works by Latvian Composers: Some Aspects of Analysis
Svetlana Chashchina: The System of Intonation Rhythm as a Resource for the Development of Rhythmology
Sonja Marinković: Counter-Rhythm as Metodological Approach to the Vocal Music Analysis
Aggeliki Kordellou: Temporalities Interwoven: Traditional Greek Rhythmic Aspects in Late Compositions of Giorgos Koumendakis (1959)
Kalliopi Stiga: The Greek Political Song, Social Movements and the New Greek Musical Identity: from the Time of the Colonels to the Time of ‘the Troika and the IMF’!
Ka-man Choi: Linguistic-Musical Interaction in Maurice Ravel’s “Placet futile”
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin: On the Identity of the Musical Expression of Istrian Musicians from the Turn of the 21stCentury
Srđan Teparić: Analytical Methods and Levels of Linguistic-Stylistic Resemantisation on the Examples of Music of the First Half of the 20thCentury
Anica Sabo: Ballad in the Oeuvre of Mirjana Živković – Secret of a Musical Form
Ivan Brkljačić: The Formal Type of Variations – an Analytical Categorization of Different Types of Variations
Charris Efthimiou: J. C. Bach's Influence on W. A. Mozart in the Field of Instrumentation
Yusuke Nakahara: Listening to the Present: No. 102 “Harmonics” from Béla Bartók’s Mikrokosmos
Ivan Elezović: The Three-Dimensional Sound Phenomenon in “Suspension” for piano solo
Ira Prodanov Krajišnik, Nataša Crnjanski: How Music Works: Schnabel’s Approach to Metric and Rhythmic Articulation
Svetlana Stojanovic Kutlača: Analytical Methods that Lead to a Correct Interpretation of “préludes non mesurés” and the French Baroque Keyboard Style in General
Michel Imberty, Professeur émérite à l’Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Danielle Cohen-Levinas, University Paris IV Sorbonne
Anica Sabo, University of Arts in Belgrade
Ana Stefanović, University of Arts in Belgrade
Ivana Vuksanović, University of Arts in Belgrade
Anica Sabo, Ana Stefanović, Ivana Vuksanović, Atila Sabo
Music Theory and Analysis: Temporality in Music
The Eleventh International Conference of the Department of Music Theory
6-8 November 2015
Danielle Cohen-Levinas, University Paris IV Sorbonne
Michel Imberty, Professeur émérite à l’Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Friday, 6 November 2015
Keynote Lecture
Danielle Cohen-Levinas, University Paris IV Sorbonne
Composer dans la forme du temps: les opéras de Wagner / Composing in the Form of Time: Wagner’s Operas
Lekkas Markos: Tracking the Footprints of Structural Moments
William da Silva: Kairos, Time and Form
Ana Stefanović: Temporality and Narrativity in Music Drama
Marija Masnikosa: Specific Narrativity and Temporality in Early Minimalist Music. The Case of Riley’s In C
Benedict Taylor: Theorising Temporality in Beethoven’s Late Piano Sonatas, Opp.109–111
Ivana Miladinović Prica: The Shape of Time in Morton Feldman’s Music
Mina Božanić: Some Remarks on Temporality (and Its Relation to Spatiality) in 20thCentury Music
Atila Sabo: Interaction of Temporality and Spatiality and Its Influence on the Narrative Flow in the Third Movement of Shostakovich's Fifteenth String Quartet
Saturday, 7 November 2015
Keynote Lecture
Michel Imberty, Professeur émérite à l’Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Le temps musical entre narrativité, expressivité et dramaticité / Musical Time between Narrativity, Expressiveness and Dramaticity
Ivana Vuksanović: The Concept of Parody in the Works of Serbian Composer Dušan Kostić
Jelena Jelenković: Reconfiguration of the Pastoral Topic Reference in the Works of Rebikov, Szymanowski and Stravinsky
Stephen Husarik: Rhythmic Dissonance Resolved: Surrender of Ornamentation to the Countersubjects in the Finale of Beethoven’s Grosse Fuge, Opus 133
Predrag Repanić: New Aspects of Polyphonic Analysis as Applied to Bach’s Fugue in D Major from the Well-Tempered Clavier
Ieva Rozenbaha: Canon in Sacred Vocal-Instrumental Works by Latvian Composers: Some Aspects of Analysis
Svetlana Chashchina: The System of Intonation Rhythm as a Resource for the Development of Rhythmology
Sonja Marinković: Counter-Rhythm as Metodological Approach to the Vocal Music Analysis
Aggeliki Kordellou: Temporalities Interwoven: Traditional Greek Rhythmic Aspects in Late Compositions of Giorgos Koumendakis (1959)
Kalliopi Stiga: The Greek Political Song, Social Movements and the New Greek Musical Identity: from the Time of the Colonels to the Time of ‘the Troika and the IMF’!
Ka-man Choi: Linguistic-Musical Interaction in Maurice Ravel’s “Placet futile”
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin: On the Identity of the Musical Expression of Istrian Musicians from the Turn of the 21stCentury
Srđan Teparić: Analytical Methods and Levels of Linguistic-Stylistic Resemantisation on the Examples of Music of the First Half of the 20thCentury
Anica Sabo: Ballad in the Oeuvre of Mirjana Živković – Secret of a Musical Form
Ivan Brkljačić: The Formal Type of Variations – an Analytical Categorization of Different Types of Variations
Charris Efthimiou: J. C. Bach's Influence on W. A. Mozart in the Field of Instrumentation
Yusuke Nakahara: Listening to the Present: No. 102 “Harmonics” from Béla Bartók’s Mikrokosmos
Ivan Elezović: The Three-Dimensional Sound Phenomenon in “Suspension” for piano solo
Ira Prodanov Krajišnik, Nataša Crnjanski: How Music Works: Schnabel’s Approach to Metric and Rhythmic Articulation
Svetlana Stojanovic Kutlača: Analytical Methods that Lead to a Correct Interpretation of “préludes non mesurés” and the French Baroque Keyboard Style in General
Michel Imberty, Professeur émérite à l’Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Danielle Cohen-Levinas, University Paris IV Sorbonne
Anica Sabo, University of Arts in Belgrade
Ana Stefanović, University of Arts in Belgrade
Ivana Vuksanović, University of Arts in Belgrade
Anica Sabo, Ana Stefanović, Ivana Vuksanović, Atila Sabo